Participants by organization
  1. Narrow Line Follower (30 bids)
  2. Stepping robots marathon (25 bids)
  3. Segway Race (10 bids)
  4. Relay Race (28 bids)
  5. The Journey: Junior (33 bids)
  6. The Journey: High (26 bids)
  7. Remote Controlled Football 4×4 (19 bids)
  8. Lego Sumo (15 x 15 cm, 1 kg) (48 bids)
  9. Mini Sumo (10 x 10 cm, 500 g) (16 bids)
  10. Micro Sumo (5 x 5 cm, 100 g) (9 bids)
  11. Humanoid Sumo (7 bids)
  12. Arkanoid (6 bids)
  13. Corridor Rally (23 bids)
  14. Puck collect (10 bids)
  15. Aquabots (12 bids)
  16. Airbots (12 bids)
  17. Lunar craters (7 bids)
  18. Practical Robotics Olympiad: LEGO (20 bids)
  19. Practical Robotics Olympiad: TRIK (4 bids)
  20. Practical Robotics Olympiad: ARDUINO (10 bids)
  21. Freestyle category: Elementary (18 bids)
  22. Freestyle category: Junior High (15 bids)
  23. Freestyle category: High (10 bids)
  24. RoboCup Rescue Line (20 bids)
  25. RobocupJunior Rescue Maze (11 bids)
  26. RobocupJunior onStage junior (6 bids)
  27. RoboCup Junior Soccer Lightweight (6 bids)
  28. RoboCupJunior Humanoid Soccer (4 bids)
  29. RoboCup Soccer SSL (1 bid)
  30. Robotic Manufacturing (12 bids)
  31. Registration for foreign participants (3 bids)
  32. Affiliate competitions Controlled soccer of humanoid robots RoboCupJunior Humanoid Soccer Entry (3 bids)
  33. RTC Cup: Seecer (41 bids)
  34. RTC Cup: Extremal (23 bids)
  35. RTK Cup: Major League (1 bid)
  36. (17 bids)
  37. Partner competitions of the Open National Online Robotics Olympiad. Autonomous robot transport (20 bids)
  38. Partner competitions of the Open National Online Robotics Olympiad. Full-time final. Young engineer (20 bids)
  39. Affiliate competition «NOC Competition» ZMRobo (2 bids out of 5 possible)
  40. Affiliate competition (1 bid out of 5 possible)
  41. Partner competitions Underwater robotics from Oceanika (junior) (15 bids out of 15 possible)
  42. Partner competitions Underwater robotics from Oceanika (senior) (9 bids out of 10 possible)
  43. FIRST Tech Challenge (17 bids)
  44. Partner competitions MGBot Habitat (12 bids)
  45. Geoscan partner competitions (15 bids out of 16 possible)
  46. (6 bids)
  47. Roborace. PRO (6 bids)
  48. Roborace. PRO mini (14 bids)
  49. (13 bids)
  50. Эстафета объединенных команд (18 bids)
  51. (10 bids)

RoboCup Junior Soccer Lightweight:

Foto Bid Robots Organization Participants Status
Dityo bezyshodnosti
Russian Federation GBOU Prezidentskiy FML no239 g. Sankt-Peterburg Romanko Pavel Nikolaevich,
Ustinov Ilya Dmitrievich,
Viktorov Boris Viktorovich,
Ezhelev Georgiy Igorevich,
Veselov Fedor Evgenevich,
Hazanova Anastasiya Vladimirovna
Participated Победитель : X Минский открытый роботурнир - финальный этап Кубка по образовательной робототехнике. Отборочный этап РобоФинист 2023 Минск
Semicolon; Russian Federation GBOU Prezidentskiy FML no239 g. Sankt-Peterburg Romanko Pavel Nikolaevich,
Meshcheryakov Aleksandr Dmitrievich,
Medvedev Anton Alekseevich
cpc_lightweight Russian Federation MAOU <> g. Tomska Tomskaya obl., g. Tomsk Ivanov Sergey Olegovich,
Odyshev Artemiy Sergeevich,
Polyanskiy Stanislav Olegovich
Piranhas Russian Federation GBOU ShKOLA no1537 g. Moskva
Russian Federation GBOU CO no354 im. D.M.Karbysheva g. Moskva
Russian Federation GBOU ShKOLA no57 g. Moskva
Russian Federation GAOU DPO "Centr pedagogicheskogo masterstva" g. Moskva
Russian Federation ANO Robocentr "Poligon" g. Moskva
Rozhkov Andrey Dmitrievich,
Kadykova Nataliya,
Sinopalnikov Oleg Igorevich,
Devyatov Leonid Denisovich,
Kaplya Elizaveta Romanovna
Belarus Klub tehnicheskogo tvorchestva "pinMode" g. Minsk Yorsh Aleksandr Mihaylovich,
Voloshko Igor Leonidovich,
Lobach Dmitriy Vladimirovich,
Yorsh Andrey Aleksandrovich
Participated Победитель : Прямой отбор на фестиваль РобоФинист 2023
Russian Federation MOU "VYSOKOVSKAYa SOSh" Tomskaya obl., Zyryanskiy r-n, Vysokoe s Timkova Anastasiya Aleksandrovna,
Korneev Stepan Aleksandrovich,
Savelev Matvey Sergeevich
Not participated