Dear participants of the festival "RoboFinist"!

We offer you to take part in the promotional video contest.

Create a promotional video about your robot or team. Videos can be made in any style: interviews, animated cartoons, films, etc. Winners of contest will receive valuable prizes and gifts. The team has to give the link to the video on YouTube channel about the robot (robots team) till September 20, 2017 inclusively.

The videolink needs to be sent to the address The name of the video has to be of the following format: RoboFinist2017 _ name of the team _ name of the robot, e.g. RoboFinist2017 _ Pobeda _ Pobeditel. The same team can provide several videos of completely different content about the same robot or different robots.

Important information for foreign and nonresident participants of the festival! Authors of the best videos that received the most points from an independent expert jury will be provided with special conditions: the organizers will cover the costs of accommodation of participants in one of the best hotels in St.Petersburg, meals, free city tours, transfer during the festival.

For more information, please, refer to the Video contest rules.

Where can I watch the videos of other contestants?

All the videos of the contestants are available at our YouTube channel. Watch it and like the best videos! Your likes will help the best one to win!