Participants by organization
  1. Line Follower: Educational Sets (59 bids out of 60 possible)
  2. Line Follower (43 bids out of 50 possible)
  3. Narrow Line Follower: Educational Sets (30 bids out of 40 possible)
  4. Narrow Line Follower (33 bids out of 40 possible)
  5. Lego Sumo (15 x 15 cm, 1 kg) (63 bids out of 64 possible)
  6. Mini Sumo (10 x 10 cm, 500 g) (26 bids out of 42 possible)
  7. Micro Sumo (5 x 5 cm, 100 g) (10 bids out of 14 possible)
  8. Humanoid Sumo (4 bids)
  9. The Journey (Junior) (32 bids out of 32 possible)
  10. The Journey (High) (26 bids out of 30 possible)
  11. Stepping robots marathon (22 bids)
  12. Relay Race (18 bids)
  13. Labyrinth: There and Back Again (29 bids out of 30 possible)
  14. Corridor Rally (36 bids out of 40 possible)
  15. RoboCup Junior Soccer Lightweight Secondary (12 bids out of 17 possible)
  16. Line - Pro (15 bids)
  17. Remote Controlled Football 4×4 (10 bids out of 34 possible)
  18. RoboCup Rescue Line (9 bids)
  19. Arkanoid (6 bids)
  20. Segway Race (18 bids)
  21. Humanoid Sprint (10 bids)
  22. Air Race (8 bids)
  23. Intellectual Navigation Robotics Systems (9 bids)
  24. Practical Robotics Olympiad (LEGO) (16 bids out of 20 possible)
  25. Practical Robotics Olympiad (TRIK) (7 bids out of 20 possible)
  26. Practical Robotics Olympiad (ARDUINO) (6 bids)
  27. RTC Cup: Seeker (16 bids)
  28. RTC Cup: Extremal (17 bids)
  29. RTC Cup: Extremal Pro (7 bids)
  30. Freestyle category (Elementary) (14 bids out of 14 possible)
  31. Freestyle category (Junior High) (26 bids out of 28 possible)
  32. Freestyle category (High) (18 bids out of 19 possible)

Air Race:

Foto Bid Robots Organization Participants Status
Kvadrik Russian Federation GBOU Prezidentskiy FML no239 g. Sankt-Peterburg Vedenin Daniil Sergeevich,
Sviridov Andrey Alekseevich
JrPr 2.0
JrPr 2.0 Russian Federation OOO "Kopter Ekspress" g. Moskva Kuzmich Vasiliy Mihaylovich,
Pristanskiy Egor Evgenevich
Ptero Russian Federation Laboratoriya Intellektualnyh Sistem Moskovskaya obl., g. Dolgoprudnyy
Russian Federation Tehnologicheskiy universitet imeni dvazhdy Geroya Sovetskogo Soyuza, letchika-kosmonavta A.A. Leonova Moskovskaya obl., g. Korolev
Oboymov Anton Sergeevich,
Davydov Aleksey Konstantinovich,
Efimov Artem Sergeevich,
Koval Anna Anatolevna,
Ibragimova Anastasiya Igorevna
SS2 Russian Federation OOO "Kopter Ekspress" g. Moskva Kuzmich Vasiliy Mihaylovich,
Kudryashov Igor Sergeevich
Black UFO
Black UFO Russian Federation GBOU Prezidentskiy FML no239 g. Sankt-Peterburg Vedenin Daniil Sergeevich,
Eganov Vladimir Sergeevich
StarLO Russian Federation GBOU Prezidentskiy FML no239 g. Sankt-Peterburg Vedenin Daniil Sergeevich,
Vydrevich Grigoriy Mihaylovich
Letuchiy Gollandec
Letuchiy Gollandec Russian Federation GBOU Prezidentskiy FML no239 g. Sankt-Peterburg Vedenin Daniil Sergeevich,
Ganin Miron
Letayushchiy shlakoblokun
Letayushchiy shlakoblokun Russian Federation GBOU Prezidentskiy FML no239 g. Sankt-Peterburg Vedenin Daniil Sergeevich,
Yarmolinskiy Arseniy Markovich